metaphors in citizen by claudia rankine

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I feel like Citizen is one of those books everyones read in some portion. This was quite an emotional read for me, the instances of racial aggressions that were illustrated in this book being unfortunately all too familiar. A cough launches another memory into your consciousness. "IN CITIZEN, I TRIED TO PICK SITUATIONS AND MOMENTS THAT MANY PEOPLE SHARE, AS OPPOSED TO SOME IDIOSYNCRATIC OCCURRENCE THAT MIGHT ONLY HAPPEN TO ME." Claudia Rankine was born in 1963, in Jamaica, and immigrated to the United States as a child. April 23, 2015 issue. Courtesy of John Lucas. Rather than her book being one whole lyric, it can be Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. The pronoun barely [holds] the person together (71). And this ugliness is some of what being an American citizen means. Claudia Rankine, Citizen, An American Lyric (Graywolf Press, 2014). While Rankine recognizes that sighing is natural and almost inevitable, it is not the iteration of a free being [for] what else to liken yourself to but an animal, the ruminant kind? (60). She envisioned her craft as a means to create something vivid, intimate, and transparent. The repetition of this visual motif highlights the existing structures of racism which has allowed for slavery to be born again in the sprawling carceral state of America (Coates 79). C laudia Rankine's book may or may not be poetry - the question becomes insignificant as one reads on. In the light of the horrors that are finally coming out in the US concerning the police and its poor treatment of Black Americans, this book shines more not that, through words and pictures. On the drive back from the movie, the protagonist receives a call from her neighbor, who tells her that theres a sinister looking man walking back and forth in front of her house. In this instance, the black body becomes even more animal-like. I repeat what Bill Kerwin reminded me of in his review of this book: At a Trump rally, there is a woman sitting behind him reading a book while he speaks. Claudia Rankine uses poetry to correlate directly to accounts of racism making Citizen a profound experience to read. Claudia Rankine's Citizen: An American Lyric ( 2014a) and its precursor Don't Let Me Be Lonely: An American Lyric ( 2004) have become two of the most galvanizing books of poetry published this century. A group of men stand in solidarity behind the woman as she solicits his apology. Figure 5. In this moment, the protagonist realizes that being black in a white-dominated world doesnt make her feel invisible, but hypervisible. This, in turn, accords with the author Zora Neale Hurstons line that she feels most colored when shes thrown against a sharp white background. These thoughts, however, dont ease the painthe persistent headachethat the protagonist feels on a daily basis because of the racist way people treat her. By examining the ways the themes are created in the intersection of art and language, Rankine illuminates the constructed nature of racism in her politically charged, highly stylized and subversive Citizen. It begins by introducing an unnamed black protagonist, whom Rankine refers to as you. A child, this character is sitting in class one day when the white girl sitting behind her quietly asks her to lean over so she can copy her test answers. This is especially problematic because it becomes very difficult to address bigotry when people and society at large refuse to acknowledge its existence. Rankine believes that Black people are not sick, / [they] are injured (143). Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. The disembodied heads of the Black subject does not only allude to lynching and captivity, as the 16 sections of the cupboard look like 16 prison cells, but it also represents the way bodies are stacked on top of one another in slave ships (Skillman 447). The trees, their bark, their leaves, even the dead ones, are more vibrant wet. She says the things that we have all said and describes situations we have all been in. A mixed-media collection of vignettes, poems, photographs, and reproductions of various forms of visual art, Citizen floats in and out of a multiple topics and perspectives. Yes, and it's raining. Political performance art. By merging poetic language with visual imagery, and subverting lyric convention in pursuit of her own poetic structure and form, Rankine forces us to see the erasure of Black people in every aspect of Citizen. Caught in these moments of racism, the Black subject is forced to ruminate on these microaggressions, processing how they have become reduced to that of an animal. Essays for Citizen: An American Lyric. Between the World and Me. One World, 2015. Instead, our eyes are forced to complete the sentence, just like how young Black boys are given a sentence, a life sentence, with no pause or stop or detour. Some of these encounters are slights, seeming slips of . The protagonist insists that the man is her friend, reminding the neighbor that he has even met this person, but the neighbor refuses to believe this, saying that he has already called the police. In the beginning of this poem, Rankine asks you to recall a time when you felt absolutely nothing. The picture is of a well-manicured suburban neighborhood with sizable houses in the background. "I am so sorry, so, so sorry" is her response (23). In essay, image, and poetry, Citizen is a powerful testament to the individual and collective effects of racism in our contemporary, often named "post-race" society. This imagery speaks specifically to the erasure of Trayvon Martin (Adams 59, Coates 130), while also highlighting the other disappearances of Black people. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. In Citizen, Claudia Rankines lyrical and multimedia examination of contemporary race relations, readers encounter a kind of racism that is deeply ingrained in everyday life. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." The highly formalised and constructed aesthetic of Rankines work is purposeful, for the almost heightened awareness of the form draws our attention to the function of form and the constructed nature of racism. In particular, she considers the effect anger has on an individual, illustrating the frustrating conundrum many people of color experience when they encounter small instances of bigotry (often called microaggressions) and are expected to simply let these things go. Graywolf, 169 pp., $20.00 (paper) Nick Laird. Towards a Poetics of Racial Trauma: Lyric Hybridity in Claudia Rankines Citizen. Journal of American Studies, vol. Citizen is comprised of multiple different artforms, including essayistic vignettes, poems, photographs, and other renderings of visual art. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. From this description, it is clear that Rankine sees the I as a symbol for a human being, for she later states: the I has so much power; its insane (71). Her formally and poetically innovative text utilizes form, figuration, and literariness to emphasize key themes of the erasure, systemic hunting, and imprisonment of African-Americans in the white hegemonic society of America. Rankines visual metaphor and allusions to modern-day enslavement is repeated in John Lucas Male II & I(Rankine 96-97), which also frames Black and white subjects and objects in wooden frames (Figure 5). Ms. Rankine said that "part of documenting the micro-aggressions is to understand where the bigger, scandalous aggressions come from.". Eventually, the friend stops calling the protagonist by the wrong name, but the protagonist doesnt forget this. "The rain this mourning pours from the gutters and everywhere else it is lost in the trees. featured health poetry Post navigation. At a glance, the interactions seem to be simple misunderstandings - friends mistaken for strangers, frustrations incorrectly categorized as racial, or just honest mistakes. Usually you are nestled under blankets and the house is empty. Its a quick listen at 1.5 hours. 3, 2019, pp. Citizen is definitely a must read for everyone, especially if one day we hope to annihilate racism all together. Rankine writes, You cant put the past behind you. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Claudia Rankine's Citizen opens with a sequence of anecdotes, a catalog of racist micro-aggressions and "moments [that] send adrenaline to the heart, dry out the tongue, and clog the lungs." By Parul Sehgal, Bookforum, Dec/Jan 2015. This reminds the narrator of a medical term "John Henryismfor people exposed to stresses stemming from racism" (16). You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. ", After reading Citizen, its hard not to hear Rankines voice as I ride the subway, walk around NYC, or even pick up other books. The dominance of white space in the text (Rankine 3, 12, 21-22, 45, 47, 59, 81-82, 93, 108, 125, 133, 148-149) illuminates how this erasure of the black body takes place in white spaceswhere the environment is white or dominated by whiteness. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. Rankines deliberate labelling of her work as lyric challenges the historical whiteness of the lyric form. The Atlantic Ocean Breaking on Our Heads: Claudia Rankine, Robert Lowell, and the Whiteness of the Lyric Subject. PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, vol. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. In Claudia Rankines, Citizen: An American Lyric, she explores racism in a unique way. is so apt, especially for those of us living in multicultural environments. The sections study different incidents in American culture and also includes a bit about France (black, blanc beurre). The visual motifs of frames and cells illustrate the way racist ideology, which endorsed slavery, continues to keep Black people in chains in modern-day America. Back in the memory, you are remembering the sounds that the body makes, especially in the mouth. This emphasis on injury, of being a wounded animal (59, 65), all work in conjunction with the first image of the deer. The voice is a symbol for the self. Rankine begins the first section by asking the reader to recall a time of utter listlessness. A provocative meditation on race, Claudia Rankine's long-awaited follow up to her groundbreaking book Don't Let Me Be Lonely: An American Lyric. The collection opens with a reproduction of Kate Clark's 2008 sculpture, Little Girl. Not affiliated with Harvard College. You raise your lids. Chan, Mary-Jean. Her formally and poetically innovative text utilizes form, figuration, and literariness to emphasize key themes of the erasure, systemic hunting, and imprisonment of African-Americans in the white hegemonic society of America. SHOTTS: It is an utterly amazing honor to work with Claudia. Oxford Dictionary defines the word "citizen" as "a legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized." Rankine challenges this definition in two ways. Courtesy Getty images (image alteration with permission: John Lucas). A friend mentions a theoretical construct of the self divided into the 'self self' and the 'historical self'. A relevant question might be, talented . This sighing is characterized as self-preservation, (Rankine 60) and is repeated multiple times (62, 75, 151), just as breath or breathing is also repeated (55, 107, 156). . A former lawyer, he worked on the Saville Inquiry into Bloody Sunday. The structure, which breaks up the poetics with white space and visual imagery, uses space and mixed media to convey these themes. The use of such high quality paper could also be read in a different way, one that emphasizes the importance of Black literary and artistic contribution through form, as the expensive pages contain the art of so many racialized artists. You take to wearing sunglasses inside. Rankines deliberate omission of the commas is powerful. We live in a culture as full of microaggressions as breaking new headlines, and Citizen brings it home. "Those years of and before me and my brothers, the years of passage, plantation, migration, of Jim Crow segregation, of poverty, inner cities, profiling, of one in three, two jobs, boy, hey boy, each a felony, accumulate into the hours inside our lives where we are all caught hanging, the rope inside us, the tree inside us, its roots our limbs, a throat sliced through and when we open our mouth to speak, blossoms, o blossoms, no place coming out, brother, dear brother, that kind of blue. The lack of separation between clauses creates a sense of anxiety as there is no pause in our readingRankine does not allow us breath. Public Lynchingfrom the Hulton archives. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine. The route is often . The picture of a deer first appears in Kate Clarks Little Girl (Rankine, 19), a sculpture that grafts the modeled human face of a young girl onto the soft, brown, taxidermied body of an infant caribou (Skillman 428). In particular, the narrator considers what her own voice sounds like. Black people are being physically erased, through lynching and racist ideology (Rankine 135). Both this series and Citizen combine intentional and unintentional racism to awaken the viewers to such injustices present in their own lives. Hearing this, the protagonist wonders why her friend feels comfortable saying this to her, but she doesnt object. Leaning against the wall, they discuss the riots that have broken out in London as a response to the unjustified police killing of a young black man named Mark Duggan. It is part of a 3-part PBS documentary series called "RACE - The Power of an Illusion. Whereas Citizen focuses on the minute-to-minute racism of everyday life, this documentary series focuses on systematized racial inequalities. High-grade paper, a unique/large sans-serif font, and significant images. Her work has appeared recently in the Guardian, the New York Times Book Review, the New York Times Magazine, and the Washington Post. Where have they gone? (66). When the clerk points out that the woman was next in line, the man responded, "Oh, I didn't see you.". You nobody. The artist speaking to the protagonist is white, and he asks her if shes going to write about Duggan. Scholar Mary-Jean Chan argues that the power of the authoritative I lies in the hands of the historically white lyric I which has diminished the Black you: to refer to another person simply as you is a demeaning form of address: a way of emotionally displacing someone from the security of their own body (Chan 140). Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. This juxtaposition between black space and white space, body and no body, presence and absence, conveys the erasure of Black people on a visual level. This symbolism of the deer, which signifies the hunting and dehumanization of Black people, is emphasized throughout the work through the repetition of sighing, moaning, and allusions to injury: To live through the days sometimes you moan like deer. By my middling review, I definitely dont mean to take away anything from. "Citizen: An American Lyric Section I Summary and Analysis". This parallel between erasure and lynching can be seen more clearly when we look at Hulton Archives Public Lynchingphotograph, whose image had been altered by John Lucas (Rankine, 91) (Figure 1). Another sigh. Recounting several of Williamss outburst[s] in response to this unfairness, Rankine shows that responding to racism with angerwhich understandably arises in such situationsoften only makes matters worse, as is the case for Williams when shes fined $82,500 for speaking out against a line judge who makes a blatantly biased call against her. You need your glasses what you know is there because doubt is inexorable; you put on your glasses. Poetry is about metaphor, about a thing standing in for something else. It was a lesson., Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs Using frame-by-frame photographs that show the progression leading to the headbutt, Rankine quotes a number of writers and thinkers, including the philosopher Maurice Blanchot, Ralph Ellison, Frantz Fanon, and James Baldwin. It's raining outside and the leaves on the trees are more vibrant because of it. It's more than a book. -Graham S. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. The separation of the Black and white subjects acts as a visual metaphor for the racial segregation of the Jim Crow era, as the Black and white subjects are separatednot only by the wooden frame of the image, but by the page itself. Claudia Rankine is an absolute master of the written word. With the sophistication of its dialectical movement, the gravitas of its ethical appeal, and the mercy of its psychological rigor, Claudia Rankine's Citizen combines traditional poetic strains in a new way and passes them on to the reader with replenished vitality. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. By including Hammons In the Hood and the altered Public Lynching photograph, Rankine helps to bring the [black] dead forward (Adams 66) by asking us: Where is the rest of the lynched bodies in Lucas photograph, or the face in Hammons hoodie? So much racism is unconscious and springs from imagined . The question, "How difficult is it for one body to feel the injustice wheeled at another?" They are black property (Rankine 34), black subjects (70), or black objects (93) who do not own anything, not even themselves (146). Medically, "John Henryism . ISBN 978-1-55597-690-3 Format Paperback 1 It is quite unusual in this age . Bella Adams(2017)Black Lives/White Backgrounds: Claudia Rankines Citizen: An American Lyricand Critical Race Theory,Comparative American Studies An International Journal,15:1-2,54-71,DOI:10.1080/14775700.2017.1406734. Unsurprisingly, the protagonist is right. Citizen: An American Lyric is sweeping the country, already chosen by dozens of schools and centers as a community read book. ISBN: 978-1-55597-690-3CHAPTER 1 When you are alone and too tired even to turn on any of your devices, you let yourself linger in a past stacked among your pillows. Rankine speaks with NPR's Lynn Neary about where the national conversation about race stands today. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. Courtesy of Radcliffe Bailey and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York. Listened as part of the Diverse Spines Reading Challenge. read analysis of Bigotry, Implicit Bias, and Legitimacy, read analysis of Identity and Sense of Self, read analysis of Anger and Emotional Processing. She never acknowledged her mistake, but eventually corrected it. What is more concerning than the injured, cut-off state of the deer is the fact that a human face looks pinned onto the animal (163). A mixed-media collection of vignettes, poems, photographs, and reproductions of various forms of visual art, Citizen floats in and out of a multiple topics and perspectives. Read the Study Guide for Citizen: An American Lyric, Considering Schiller and Arnold Through Claudia Rankines Citizen, Poetry, Politcs, and Personal Reflection: Redefining the Lyric in Claudia Rankine's Citizen, Ethnicity's Impact on Literary Experimentation, Citizen: A Discourse on our Post-Racial Society, View our essays for Citizen: An American Lyric, Introduction to Citizen: An American Lyric, View the lesson plan for Citizen: An American Lyric, View Wikipedia Entries for Citizen: An American Lyric. Citizen: An American Lyric. Time and Distance Overcome. The Iowa Review, vol. Rankine writes, [T]he first person [is] a symbol for something. While reading Citizen, people may interpret Rankine's use of different pronouns as a . She also writes about racist profiling in a script entitled Stop-and-Frisk, providing a first-person account by an unidentified narrator who is pulled over for no reason and mistreated by the police, all because he is a black man who fit[s] the description of a criminal for whom the police are supposedly looking. (That part surprised me.) Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. Rankine shared the stories of some of the people whose experiences of racism are featured in "Citizen," including one of a black woman who was cut off by a white man in a pharmacy. Share Claudia Rankine quotations about language, past and feelings. Most important poetry book of the year. Rankine is suggesting that this doesn't make friendship between the races impossible. Page forty-one describes an incident about a friend rushing to meet with another friend in the "distant neighborhood of Santa Monica . Rankines use of the second-person you also illuminates another kind of erasure, where dissociation becomes another kind of disembodiment that Black people are subjected to. It's a moment like any other. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Complete your free account to request a guide. The route is . View Citizen - Claudia Rankine (Full Text PDF, searchable).pdf from ENGLISH SL Y2 at Quabbin Regional High School. Refine any search. Although the man doesnt turn to look at her, she feels connected to him, understanding that its sometimes necessary to numb oneself to the many microaggressions and injustices hurled at black people. GradeSaver, 15 August 2016 Web. While she highlights a vast number of stories that illustrate the hate crimes that have occurred in the United States during the 21st century, the James Craig Anderson case is prevalent because his heartbreaking story is known by few individuals throughout . 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